November 22, 2024 (Issue 16)
We're enjoying sharing daily gratitude at TKS! In addition to sharing faculty gratitudes, it has also been special to hear from our families. Thank you for sharing! It means so much to us as we're so proud of what we do each day caring for and teaching our TKS kids.
Pre-K Christmas Program Reminder
Our practices for our performance, "Where is Baby Jesus?" continue! We look forward to performing for families on December 5th with students dressed in their favorite Christmas attire.
Who: Studios 202 and 204
When: Thursday, Dec 5, 2024 at 7:00pm, child drop off 6:45pm
Where: Cross Church, Rogers
The Book Fair will open at 6:30 pm and follow the program.
Learning Corner Themes
Toddler, Preschool & Pre-K
This week we'll enjoy learning about and celebrating Thanksgiving!
We'll continue to study:
shape - triangle
color - yellow
number - 5, 6
- letters - Dd, Jj, Uy
It’s a wonderful time of year celebrate our gratitude and vote for TKS in the Best of Northwest Arkansas campaign. The Kid's Studio has been blessed to be among the top winners in the Best of NWA Best childcare category for the last several years, and we hope to win it again!
Please take a moment EACH DAY to vote for us using this link:! You can vote for every category once daily from each browser and each device until December 13th!
The Book Fair has Arrived!
We invite you to shop at our book fair located in the lobby and conference room. A portion of the sales go to classroom supplies for TKS. If you would like to donate a book to your child's classroom, please look for their classroom wish list located in the conference room. The book fair will run Monday, November 25th - Friday, December 6th.
We look forward to celebrating together with our toddlers (Studios 101, 103, 105, 208 and 210) on Monday, November 25th at 11:30 am and preschoolers and PreK students (Studios 201, 202, 203, 204, and 206) on Tuesday, November 26th at 12:00 pm.
Thanksgiving Feasts, November 25th and 26th
Staff Development, Wednesday, November 27th (closed)
Thanksgiving Break, November 28th - 29th (closed)
Pre-K Christmas Program, December 5th - PreK
Book Fair, December 2nd-6th
The Kids Studio is a member of the
Children's TEAM Family of providers.